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Why I'm Not Writing on LinkedIn Anymore

liberation queen mindset leadership Sep 11, 2024

When I started building my personal and professional brand in early 2023, LinkedIn seemed the natural platform for content creation. Over time, my voice has clarified, but I've found myself increasingly stifled in ways I don't experience elsewhere.

For the past six months, I increased my posting frequency to 9-12 times a month, using my designated Queen's Week as a respite for personal reflection and book writing. My journey began as a way to share my professional shift with colleagues, evolving from occasional thought leadership pieces to more frequent, authentic content. However, fear of being seen as an undesirable speaker or community collaborator has often held me back from expressing my true thoughts.

Simultaneously, I've been seeking out communities of color in coaching, entrepreneurship, and spirituality, redefining my place in the world post-pandemic. This journey of self-discovery and community-building has been challenging but enlightening.

As I began speaking for organizations and in communities, I encountered resistance. In corporate settings, I felt limited in discussing systemic influences like generational trauma and oppression and their impact on burnout. In community spaces, I met hardworking individuals often unaware of both the oppression they face and the privileges they hold.

It was in this context that Queen Mindset Leadership was born. What started as a project on elevated self-care to prevent burnout has evolved into a decolonizing leadership construct. It's about:

  • Creating self-awareness of cultural biases and colonial influences on leadership styles
  • Actively learning diverse leadership approaches and unlearning limiting paradigms
  • Challenging personal assumptions about leadership and the pursuit of happiness
  • Embracing inclusive leadership and vulnerability in holistic aspects of life
  • Integrating past/present/future self and identities into leadership
  • Redefining success beyond individualistic and profit-driven metrics

However, the more I engaged with various communities and corporate partnerships, the more I realized there were spaces where I still felt constrained. I couldn't freely express my spirituality in colorblind yoga communities, nor could I fully embrace my Afro-Latina identity in spaces lacking representation.

My morning pages ritual, inspired by "The Artist's Way," unveiled the radical ideas I longed to express:

  • The oppression faced as a childfree, anti-marriage woman in a world that primarily celebrates women for motherhood and marriage
  • The invisibility experienced as an AfroLatina in colorblind Latine spaces
  • My desire for a life rich in relationships, spirituality, creativity, and service, beyond mere financial success

It wasn't until podcast invitations came that I began freely expressing these ideas, noticing a significant reduction in my chronic stress-induced hives.

As I work on my memoir with a book coach, I've realized that my journey is fundamentally about liberation. It's about using my understanding of energy and chakras to deprogram myself from individual and systemic paradigms that negate my existence.

I'm an AfroLatina, unmarried, childfree, immigrant, dual-citizen, black-presenting, mixed-race DOCTOR with a thoroughly educated mind. My education has empowered me to systematically free myself from self-imposed limitations while gathering the courage to speak up about injustices in my frequented spaces.

I'm stepping away from LinkedIn writing to have the freedom to express my thoughts without worrying about metrics or the approval of others. I appreciate that some may feel uncomfortable interacting with my content due to potential professional implications.

While I'll continue to share my community experiences, my liberated writing will now find a home on my personal blog and newsletter. This shift allows me to fully embrace the evolution of Queen Mindset Leadership from a self-care focus to a truly liberatory practice, incorporating my experiences in both community and corporate partnerships.

If you feel intrigued and moved by my words, subscribe to my newsletter and blogs as I continue to explore my journey of authentic expression and liberated leadership.

I will continue to use this platform to share upcoming events and work I'm doing in the community while sharing my audacious thoughts on my own platforms. 

Thank you to every single one of you who has created space for me on line, in real life, and in podcast conversations for me to share the the voice of the people and my soul <3.

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