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Queen Mindset: Leading with Authenticity, Culture, and Healing

authenticity healing leadership development Oct 15, 2024


In this episode of the Adelante Leadership podcast, I had the privilege of sitting down as a guest to discuss my journey toward healing, empowerment, and leadership.

As a trailblazing AfroLatina PhD, I shared deeply personal reflections on reclaiming my voice, navigating vulnerability, and stepping into my power.

I chose to write about this episode for Wild Queen Aventuras because it aligns perfectly with the mission of this blog—embracing authenticity and empowerment on every adventure.

One of the most compelling aspects of this podcast episode is how it came into existence.

Just days before recording, I had voiced my desire to do more podcast engagements, and within weeks, the opportunity to guest on two podcasts presented itself. This was one where one of the co-hosts, Peter Bloch Garcia reached out to me via email, and given that we shared the same last name, I took that as a sign of safety and proceeded to schedule this podcast,\.

This is proof that when you speak your dreams aloud, and you continue building your body of work around your passions, the universe listens.

But it wasn’t just about landing a podcast opportunity; it was about realizing the importance of knowing what you're willing to talk about, even if you’re not being paid.

That’s where you’ll find your deepest truths, and that’s where your purpose is rooted.


Main Themes & Insights

The key theme of this episode is the power of vulnerability as a tool for both leadership and liberation. The co-hosts Robert and Tania (Hino) did a phenomenal job of asking me great questions about Latine Leadership and how we can do the deep inner work needed to release our generations from lack.

Too often, vulnerability is seen as a weakness, but in reality, it is the gateway to authentic self-expression.

In Queen Mindset Leadership, I emphasize that true leadership stems from healing, authenticity, and resilience.

Being vulnerable—acknowledging your fears and weaknesses—opens the path to deeper self-awareness and growth, making you stronger and more aligned with your purpose.

As I said in the podcast, “Healing starts when you acknowledge your story and own it.”

This sentiment resonates deeply with the adventure theme of Wild Queen Aventuras.

Whether we’re scaling literal mountains or overcoming personal challenges, vulnerability is the first step toward conquering our fears. It’s through owning our stories that we find the strength to lead.

Another theme we explored in the episode is the importance of cultural heritage and identity in shaping our leadership journeys. As Latines, we have a complex mix of Indigenous, African, and European ancestry.

Yet, many of us only focus on the oppression our communities have faced.

I’ve come to realize that it’s just as important to recognize the privileges we hold and the immense cultural richness that comes with our identities.

Embracing our full selves, including our struggles and our heritage, is the key to empowerment and leadership.


Personal Reflections

Reclaiming my voice and stepping into leadership has been a long journey.

Despite earning a PhD and working in prestigious organizations, it wasn’t until the last two years that I truly saw myself as a leader.

For most of my life, I hadn’t been promoted much, and it made me question whether my voice mattered.

When I decided to build a brand centered on my own likeness and what I wanted to say, I had no precedent to follow.

I had never met another Dominican-American PhD, let alone one who, like me, had chosen a nontraditional path—child-free, marriage-free, and deeply in tune with intuition and feelings.

Listening to this episode, I was reminded of my own experiences, like when I stood in the temple of Queen Hatshepsut during my recent trip to Egypt.

In that sacred space, I felt the power of owning my story and leading through my experiences. 

True strength comes from embracing the parts of ourselves that we sometimes hide from the world.


In the episode, I also discuss the impact of unprocessed trauma on leadership.

For many years, my voice was stifled because of the trauma I hadn’t yet healed.

Trauma creates a barrier between us and our inner guidance, making it harder to listen to ourselves.

But as I started to heal, I realized that leadership begins with leading yourself—trusting your intuition, acting on your passions, and aligning your life with your truth.

When we heal, we’re able to make decisions from a place of wholeness, not fear.

This personal healing is what led me to create the Audacity to Queen Leadership Mastermind, a program designed to help mujeres of color embrace their unique identities, trust their inner voice, and step into themselves and their desired abundanve. These repeated conversations with other leaders gave me the courage to not only speak my truth but to create a space where others could do the same.

The mastermind is a guided experience shared in community for 3.5 months. We kick off October 31st!

Read more of what this transformation involves and register here.


Actionable Takeaways

Here are some actionable insights from the episode for readers of Wild Queen Aventuras:

  • Embrace Vulnerability: Don’t be afraid to show your weaknesses. They are not signs of failure but opportunities for growth and connection. Reflect on them, own them, and allow them to guide your leadership journey.
  • Trust Your Intuition: Leadership isn’t just about logic—it’s about feelings, intuition, and inner guidance. Honor those nudges and make decisions that align with who you truly are.
  • Cultural Pride as Strength: Embrace your identity and heritage as sources of strength, not limitations. Draw power from your cultural roots and incorporate them into your leadership style.
  • Heal to Lead: Healing is an essential leadership skill. Unprocessed trauma keeps us disconnected from our true selves. Invest in your healing, and you’ll find that you lead with more clarity, authenticity, and compassion.
  • Declare Your Desires Aloud: Just like I voiced my desire for more podat opportunities, speak your dreams into existence. The universe is listening. When you align with your purpose, opportunities will manifest.

These takeaways are essential for cultivating an adventurous mindset—whether it’s facing internal challenges or stepping into a new role in your career.



Queen Minset Leadership, through vulnerability, healing, and cultural pride offers a refreshing and empowering perspective. It serves as a reminder that every adventure—whether in life or leadership—is more meaningful when we fully embrace who we are.

This podcast episode wasn’t just a conversation; it was a powerful testament to the importance of reclaiming our voices, listening to our inner guidance, and stepping into leadership with courage and authenticity.

As a result of these reflections, I created the Audacity to Queen Leadership Mastermind, a transformative program designed to help ambitious women of color step into their power and lead from a place of truth.

If you’re ready to take the next step in your leadership journey, I encourage you to click here to learn more and register. Remember, the universe is listening—are you speaking your dreams aloud?

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