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From Vision to Voice: How I Brought Queen Mindset Leadership đź‘‘ to Life

leadership development liberation queen mindset leadership Oct 24, 2024

  “I believe you can speak things into existence.” — Jay-Z

My voice trembled when I first declared the words "Queen Mindset Leadership đź‘‘." 

It wasn’t just from doubt but from the sheer weight of what I was speaking into existence—a new paradigm of being centered on mujeres of color like myself, one that would encourage us to heal, rise, and demand more from life than we were ever taught to believe was possible.

Only later would it switch from a mindset to a leadership.

But I had to find my voice and leadership before I could step into this audacious vision.

[In case you missed it: Catch up on part 1 and part 2 of this blog series on Queen Mindset Leadership đź‘‘.]


Finding My Voice in Safe Spaces

Before I could even dream of creating a leadership paradigm, I was practicing the art of speaking up.

It started in therapy, where I first found the courage to voice long-held wounds, most of which began with growing up without my father in the U.S. Initially, I was there to heal that core wound.

But once I opened up, so much more began to surface—grievances about my career, relationships, friendships, and, most importantly, my relationship with myself (or lack thereof).

Therapy was only the beginning. When those sessions didn’t feel like enough, I turned to journaling and vlogging on Instagram. There, in those private moments with myself and close ones, I explored what it meant to have a secure attachment style not just with myself but with life itself. Little by little, I became comfortable with the sound of my own voice—first in private, then in public.


From Self-Expression to Leadership

As the Universe began dropping signs that I should explore entrepreneurship and coaching, I had to take an honest look at my own leadership gaps. Despite my doctorate and ten-year career consulting, I had never been taught how to lead. But instead of letting fear stop me, I chose to invest in my growth myself.

For over a year before leaving my job, I devoured business and leadership books, took classes, participated in accelerator courses, and joined coaching programs, all to develop the skills I felt I would need. I also firmed up and studied my values to lead with integrity, a core value for me across all I am.

Here’s the lesson I learned early on: learning the right skills is only part of the battle. The other half is practicing the language to express who you are and what you believe.

For nine months, I worked closely with peers in my coaching program, receiving weekly feedback that helped me challenge limiting beliefs and embrace new perspectives about every single part of my life. Tools like visualization, breathwork, and the wheel of life helped me shift from someone merely exploring leadership to someone actively embodying it. It was time to define myself as a leader for the first time.


The Birth of Queen Mindset Leadership đź‘‘

By the time I first said the words “Queen Mindset Leadership,” I had been through a transformative journey of healing and self-discovery. I had already invested in a speaking accelerator and was working closely with a coach to refine what this paradigm meant to me and why I needed to teach others about it. The more I spoke, what started as an idea focused on extraordinary self-care, evolved into something more profound.

At first, I wanted to create a framework that would prevent burnout—an all-too-common experience especially for mujeres of color who carry the weight of generational and societal pressures. Over my community and speech interactions, this started to expand to include allies and the curious too.

Using tools like the wheel of life, I built out an eight-dimensional approach to self-care:

  • Spiritual Wellness: Nurturing purpose and divine connection.
  • Emotional Wellness: Developing self-awareness and emotional intelligence.
  • Mental Wellness: Cultivating a resilient and growth-oriented mindset.
  • Physical Wellness: Prioritizing bodily health and vitality.
  • Social Wellness: Creating meaningful connections and community.
  • Creative Wellness: Expressing oneself authentically and artistically.
  • Financial Wellness: Achieving financial stability and abundance.
  • Environmental Wellness: Honoring our connection to Mother Nature.

As I began sharing this framework in both paid and pro bono speaking engagements, I quickly realized that this was about more than self-care. Because some of my audience members didn't believe they could care for themselves this way. Or that they were worthy of so much self-investment. That's when I began reimagining leadership as a path of self-love, healing, and radical identity-centered growth.


The Evolution of the Queen Mindset đź‘‘

Speaking this paradigm into existence was transformative—not just for me but also for the diverse audiences I connected with in the community and at corporate events. I realized that by centering wellness, identity, and self-expression, Queen Mindset Leadership broke down traditional ideas of what it means to lead.

Over time, the concept of “Queen” evolved into something far beyond gender. It became a symbol of ultimate reverence for the feminine—the energy we all have access to, regardless of identity. And just like nature itself, this Queen energy was dynamic, ever-growing, and limitless. Even before I set foot in Egypt, I intuitively discovered that a reverence for the feminine was possible. 

The more I spoke about Queen Mindset Leadership, the more questions I received. Some people loved the concept and felt empowered, while others were triggered. I had to hold space for it all. But I kept going, knowing that speaking this truth would create an impact far beyond me.

Through every conversation, workshop, and keynote, Queen Mindset Leadership evolved. It became more than a paradigm—it became a movement rooted in identity, wellness, and the power of self-expression.


Voicing What You Desire Into Existence

Reflecting on my journey, one of the most significant lessons has been the power of speaking your vision into existence. I'm not one who believes I should move in silence; instead, I use talking to others as a way of creating accountability. Finding my voice and articulating my truths loudly was pivotal in bringing Queen Mindset Leadership to life. Even when I felt "unready," facilitating workshops and speaking engagements gave me the confidence to turn abstract ideas into a tangible leadership paradigm.

If there’s one thing I want to leave you with, it’s this: there is power in declaring what you want, even before you fully understand it yourself. Speaking it out loud starts the momentum, the accountability, the shift from dream to reality. It's just one step closer to being a real thing in the physical world.


Your Turn: Step Into Your Queen Energy

If this resonates with you, I invite you to take the next step. As a mujer of color who has transformed my relationship with leadership, purpose, and power, I’m offering an exclusive mastermind experience designed for ambitious women of color who are ready to step into their Queen energy.

The Audacity to Queen Leadership Mastermind is a 15-week journey that will empower you to:

  • Break free from cycles of crisis and overwhelm.
  • Create success on your terms while centering your well-being.
  • Connect with your Higher Queen Self and express your truth with confidence.
  • Join a powerful community of mujeres who are rising into their full potential.

This is your time to reclaim your crown. Ready to join me on this journey?

 Stay tuned for the next installment. I’ll dive into the power of creating in service of the collective and how Queen Mindset Leadership shifted from personal transformation to community impact. 

Embark on Your Consciousness Expansion Journey with Dra. García

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