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Creative Awakening Series: Speaking Creative Visions into Existence

community creativity Feb 19, 2025

Welcome to the sixth segment of the Creative Awakening: Integrating Art & Spirituality series.

Check out my blog for the first five posts writing about teaching at the Creative Arts Center.

What's the purpose of words, what happens when we abstain from them, and why is unity an important concept to keep in mind as we express ourselves in art?



In the last class on the Heart Chakra, we discussed grief, love, and healing and how they were portals for what we created. As we delved into the power of using words (or not), we began discussing how the words we speak can create a new reality, for better or worse. Words can be destructive or meaningless when ungrounded in a collective sense of humanity and unity. 

But when an individual is grounded, emotionally open, empowered, and loving, their expression – whether in words, actions, or art – creates a vibration of change that others will undoubtedly be positively impacted by.

If you notice, those adjectives correspond to the chakras, and so in this class, we're starting to see the importance of self-alignment, tapping into a version of ourselves that matters, that expresses, that loves.

At the end of the blog, I'll write about the latter part of our discussion on why creating from this space of unity matters to the rest of the world. Let's get into it.

Reflection: What have you learned about the power (or lack thereof) of your own words? Do you believe that your words can create a different reality for you and those around you?


Focus Point: The Importance of Words 


Ah, words, What are the good for? Absolutely everything. I don't want to give the discussion away, so I'll keep this introduction short.

At a high level, here are the elements of the Throat Chakra explored:

  • Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)The throat chakra is the body's communication hub. It's the center where you can speak your truth, find your voice, and sing praises.
  • FocusHonesty, clear communication, and authentic self-expression.
  • Color: Blue & Turquoise
  • Location: Throat
  • Areas of Life Explored: Creative, Social, and Mental


Throat Chakra (Vishuddha) Affirmations

  • I speak my truth.
  • I express my thoughts clearly.
  • I speak with clarity.
  • I embrace the truth.
  • I am honest.
  • I am mindful.
  • My words hold power.


The Discussion 

What happens when we use our words? In the first part of our discussion, we mapped out what words were for. We'd already discussed in previous workshops that the same creative energy that created everything that is, gifted us with the power of creating structure. So if learning how to use language was an important part of our evolution on earth as humans, what were those reasons?

Here's what we came up with...

The power of words:

  • Communication
  • Self-expression
  • Can be interpreted in different ways
  • Change others' feelings (positive or negative)
  • Creation
  • Spellcasting
  • "Get things off our chest" (aka heart chakra connection)
  • Affirming
  • Can be a gift or violence depending on if its infused with transcendent love
  • Impact relationships
  • Stand for release
  • Create freedom
  • Release energy
  • Can be grounded in unity for change
  • Provide direction
  • Are nuanced and variable
  • Create communication
  • Confirm our values

We use words often without thinking. It's why practices like reading, journaling, meditation, therapy, and coaching can be so transformational – they have the power to create an alternative reality. And if we use our words with intention and vision, we can create with our words that which we feel is missing in the world.

Okay, so what happens when we don't use our words? Here's what we came up with: 

  • Unexpressed energy
  • Out of integrity behavior
  • Imprisoned
  • Feeling that they don't matter
  • Negative feelings
  • "In your head"
  • Self-disconnection
  • Shut off
  • Stuck in body
  • Codependence
  • Restrained
  • Guarded
  • Frustrated
  • Missed needs
  • Misunderstood
  • Isolated
  • Unexpressed energy

When we think about humans before they learn to speak, their experiences can often be frustrating as they try to express that which the have no language for. Of course, not everyone will be able to use language to express themselves for a variety of reasons, from developmental to abusive and then some, but the point is that the ability to communicate – whatever form that takes – is an important part of being a human.

Reflection: Can you think of times when you have not been able to find the words to express what you felt? How did that feel? What was the outcome of those experiences and situations?

Now is when we transitioned to practical astrophysics. To bring home the point about the power of words in creating a reality – the purest form of creativity – I called onto one of Newton's Laws of Motion. 

The third Law of Motion states: For every action (force), there is an equal and opposite reaction.

Why does this matter? Because although we have determined that energy is infinite in the cosmos, our attention is not. When it comes to our reality, we have a choice. We can either pay attention to the reality as it is, the status quo, that which is not grounded in unity OR...

We can use our words, our creations, our art, to ground ourselves and by extension what we create, in unity. This is what the wise ancients mean when they say we have the power to be the change we wish to see in the world. Beause if there are infinite possibilities, then existing in the duality and polarities gives us an opportunity to create an opposite scenario to that which we don't like.

So when we see divisiveness, hate, and chaos, we can create unity, love, and structure. That's how we change the world, one thought, one action, feeling at a time. 

And now to close off the loop of why this type of unity-led creativity is NECESSARY, we listed what happens when we live and create from this enlightened lens.

Philanthropy, which is the love of humanity, becomes possible, but so does:

  • Self-mastery
  • Human comfort
  • Purpose of humanity
  • The Expansion of the Universe
  • Maintaining unity
  • Connection
  • The spreading of love
  • Helping ourselves
  • Aligning our paths
  • Greater understanding 
  • Transcending suffering
  • Leading by example
  • Inspiration
  • Coexistence
  • Community

And that's how we ended class! A full circle moment realizing in yet another form, the power of us grounding ourselves into interconnection and expressing by default.

 Artistic Growth Challenge

For our closing commitments, I called on my students to keep writing, keep reading, and write about a day in life embodying the unity we've been imagining. 

Here are some book suggestions to further your studies of the throat and its words: 

What's Next?

As we move into the next part of this series, I invite you to reflect: How do you wield your words? How much time do you spend listening to, writing, and speaking out? What one small step could you take to get more connected with your voice? For our final session, we’ll explore how the Crown Chakra helps us become one with ourselves, humanity, and the Cosmos in service of creation.

Dra. García out!

Embark on Your Consciousness Expansion Journey with Dra. García

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