Coexisting, Liberation, & Manifestations with Queen Mindset Leadership đź‘‘
Nov 11, 2024Who knows if perhaps you were made Queen for just such a time as this? — Esther 4:14
This was a whole different blog when I wrote it the night before the Nov 5th US election.
I was going to talk about the journey of rooting Queen Mindset Leadership đź‘‘ into reality, but something else felt more pressing as the week passed. Seeing the division among mujeres lit something up in me.
In this final segment of this 7-part Queen Mindset Leadership đź‘‘ series, I'll tell you how, now more than ever, I'm doubling down on my mission to lead by example in a leadership that centers coexistence, liberation, and collective manifestation. You'll see what's next for me in my business and life.
At its core, these pillars aim to revolutionize the way mujeres of color and allies operate in their lives by elevating their consciousness and decolonizing the audacity to live out their purpose every day.
[In case you missed it: Catch up on part 1, part 2 , part 3, part 4, part 5, and part 6 of this blog series on Queen Mindset Leadership đź‘‘.]
Reimagining My Leadership in Collective Values
Well before I began my healing journey in 2018, I was exploring my racial and ethnic heritage. I knew I was deeply connected to the island that birthed me – the Dominican Republic – yet I felt disconnected from the colonial and racial history that led to my ancestors' creation.
When I started gaining Black consciousness in 2016, I was also trying to integrate the rest of my results: apart from ~45% mixed African heritage, I had ~40% mixed European roots and ~15% Indigenous ancestry. I was a rainbowed mestiza through and through, and I didn’t know how to cope.
How was I supposed to coexist with Black, White, and Indigenous ancestry when the world often pits these identities against each other? Add my Latina/Caribbean and immigrant identities to the mix, and I felt invisible to everyone, including myself.
I've done a lot of work to heal these identities and create space for others to examine their own racial mixes and how they connect with their cultural heritage. As an Afro-Euro-Indigenous Latina, I finally felt my purpose in bridging these worlds in a way not many others could.
When I began creating spaces for mujeres of color, I couldn’t have imagined the results of this election and the hurtful vitriol that has erupted within my gender, with women blaming each other for not sharing identical political beliefs. I can’t choose sides on race because I am all, but I can activate change.
Especially after standing among the majesty of Queen Hatshepsut's temples and obelisks on my Egyptian birthday trip, I finally saw what it could be like for a Queen mujer of color to unite rather than divide, to elevate rather than destroy, and to build partnerships over competition.
With that greater Queen consciousness, I redesigned my core values to help me as I step into this next chapter of the Queen Mindset Leadership đź‘‘ movement: activating spaces on the ground.
These values will guide how I treat myself, run my business, lead in my community, and create in my life.
This is balanced leadership embodied, and I'm including below to get your own reimagination going.
1. Queen's Mindset: Aligning myself with the Universe's vastness – like gazing at the stars from every continent! It's about creating spaciousness in my life, allowing room for peace and well-being in all aspects – body, mind, spirit, and even energetics. This is about becoming my most expansive Self.
Embodiment: divinity - time space - well-being - expansion
2. Queen's Court: Maintaining strong friendships is the cornerstone of my chosen community. I cherish connections that foster mutual growth. Love is my guiding force, and it starts with self-love – a fierce inner flame that empowers me to inspire others to love themselves and unleash their potential.
Embodiment: friendship - growth - love - liberation
3. Queen's Business: Leveraging a network of powerful allies to achieve my vision – a mission of love and liberation for all. Positive impact is my ultimate measure of success, alongside financial prosperity. This allows me to embody generosity and free others to flourish alongside me!
Embodiment: collaboration - impact - freedom - generosity
4. Queen's Leadership: Leading by example, true to my values, and following my passions like an adventurer. Organization is the secret weapon, keeping my multi-faceted life as a coach, writer, speaker, and explorer flowing smoothly. Ultimately, my goal is legacy leadership – leaving an inspiring mark on the world!
Embodiment: integrity - passion - organization - innovation
5. Queen's Romance (Under Construction): This value will encompass my personal metrics of success in relationship outside of marriage, cohabitation, and childrearing. It will help me, when in relationship, to stay in integrity with what I give and receive, and when not in relationship, to filter partners that are not aligned.
Building the Audacity to Queen Leadership Container
What has been exciting about this coming week is seeing my Mastermind come to life. I began this blog series to talk myself into creating this container, and now, weeks later, I have enough mujeres to officially launch on November 14, 2024! While admission will remain rolling through 2024, these mujeres will join live experiences and begin co-creating this collective leadership paradigm with me.
Here's a preview of what these mujeres will get to experience as the program launches:
- 1:1 60-Minute Onboarding Coaching: All enrolled Queens receive access to the private community as well as a deep dive into their Wheel of Life results. We’ll explore strengths and areas that need support, with detailed questions about pain points in balancing life and business, so these can be incorporated into the Masterclass.
- Introduction & Kickoff Session: On Thursday, we’ll start the program with introductions, reviewing the Queendom’s guidelines for a respectful, growth-minded environment, and discussing intentions for the program. We’ll dive right into core values for each area of Queen Mindset Leadership đź‘‘, envisioning Queen living from the start.
- The Rest of the Sessions: Below is a breakdown of the wellness, life, and business areas we’ll cover, each explored through the chakras. Every session will help us reimagine and activate values centered on liberation and coexistence for all parts of life and business. During our integration session, we’ll focus on 10- and 20-year visions for legacy leadership and impact.
We already have a holistic nutritionist, a digital creative designer, and a creative healing arts practitioner on deck, imagine how much we'll flourish with this type of expertise in the rooms! There's still room for you!
What's Next for Queen Mindset Leadership đź‘‘
It’s been over 18 months since I launched Queen Mindset Leadership đź‘‘. I started with little business knowledge or application, but over these months, testing this paradigm with diverse audiences has led me to create two suites of offerings that serve both in the community and through corporate partnerships.
Business to Consumer Offerings
My Business to Consumer vertical allows me to serve my community directly, providing much-needed culturally-sensitive and empowering leadership support to facilitate collective healing, thriving, and leading. It's with this mindset that I created this Mastermind, and similarly for my retreats (coming Summer 2025!)
What you see in the Mastermind breakdown is a parallel track to how the retreats will be. Except with more embodiment practices, delicious foods, fun adventures, and immersive time in nature.
Business to Business Offerings
By now, you should be able to see an explicit connection between my core values and the types of community and corporate organizations I wish to ally with. To be clear, it's entities that value: collaboration - impact - freedom - generosity - liberation of all.
Whereas before I only offered one-off speeches, now I'm looking to work with entities that value a workshop style approach coupled with 1:1 coaching with leadership. Queen Mindset Leadership đź‘‘ is an embodied experience and cannot be captured in a short 60 minute stint. Note The fee rises accordingly.
Here are the topics that I am currently offering for 2024 and 2025 (find my media kit here):
- Beyond Success: Embracing Queen Mindset Leadership for Sustainable Impact
- The Sacred Self: Why Centering Self-Worth Elevates Leadership and Liberation
- Courage, Coexistence, and Collective Power: Why Today’s Leaders Must Evolve
- Manifesting with Purpose: Aligning Company Values with Collective Liberation
- Leading from the Heart: Feminine Energy as a Leadership Strength
A Call to Lead in the Journey of Collective Liberation
After the November 2024 U.S. election results, Queen Mindset Leadership đź‘‘ feels personal.
When I see mujeres turning on each other, pointing fingers and tearing each other down, voicing a lack of concern for others based on how they did or didn’t vote, I see colonization at work.
Anything that divides us operates both individually through ego and collectively through systemic oppression. Queen Mindset Leadership đź‘‘ teaches an enlightened way of leading that fosters curiosity about others while nurturing unconditional compassion for humanity and its suffering and our role in alleviating it.
If you're an entrepreneurial mujer of color ready to play your part in collective awakening and liberation... I'm waiting for you. The Queendom is here.
Embark on Your Consciousness Expansion Journey with Dra. GarcĂa
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