Welcome to: The Audacity to Queen Leadership

A Mastermind for Ambitious Mujeres of Color Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired

Facilitated by Dra. CarolLaine M García, Ph.D.

Tired of Feeling Like Your Crown Doesn't Fit?

Ambitious mujeres of color, does this sound familiar?

❌ You're ready to make changes in your life and dream bigger,  but not sure where to start
❌ Despite your achievements, the fear of the unknown haunts you, making you question your desires
❌ Your cultural identity feels disconnected from your leadership and dreams
❌ Work-life balance is hard – you're tired of trying to do it all 
❌ Your relationships suffer as you struggle to balance everything else that seems more urgent
❌ Financial abundance seems out of reach, no matter how hard you work or what you try
❌ You desire a supportive and diverse community that gets you, your unique challenges AND gifts

If you're nodding along, you're not alone. Many powerful mujeres like you are feeling:
✦ Overwhelmed by the pressure to "have it all together"
✦ Disconnected from their ancestral wisdom and inner guidance
✦ Burned out from constantly trying to prove their worth
✦ Guilty for wanting more out of life or wanting "too much"
✦ Frustrated by the lack of clarity and confidence on moving forward
✦ Ready to lead their lives in a way that honors all that they are

What if I told you that life could be different?

It's Time to Reclaim Your Crown 👑

Imagine instead:

  • Leading with unshakeable clarity in your personal and professional lives
  • Embracing your cultural heritage and wisdom as a superpower
  • Finding harmony between your ambitions and your well-being
  • Communicating your needs clearly and setting healthy boundaries with everyone and everything
  • Achieving financial abundance aligned with your values and unique impact
  • Thriving in a supportive community of powerful mujeres who lift you higher than ever

The Audacity to Queen Leadership Mastermind offers a path to this transformation. One recent client's journey proves it's possible:

"I went from feeling guilty about taking time for myself to tripling my income vision while making more time for myself. I reconnected with my creativity, deepened my spiritual practice, and found a deep confidence in how I lead." - Sabrina Estudillo Butler, Book Coach and Editor for BIPOC Writers

Wondering if this is for you?

Your Queen's Journey Awaits

Led by Dra. CarolLaine M. Garcia, Ph.D., this 3.5-month mastermind is designed specifically for ambitious mujeres of color like you who are ready to:

  • Break free from the cycle of crisis and overwhelm in your life and career

  • Are ready to invest in your personal growth and femininity

  • Create success on your your terms while centering your well-being and relationships

  • Identify with the desire to connect with your Higher or Queen self

  • Create the freedom to say what's really on your mind about who you are and what you want out of your life

  • Cultivate a safe space and community to build connections, partnerships, and accountability

Querida, does this have you nodding your head?


A Message from Your Queen Ceremony Holder

It took me a lifetime to find my purpose. After years of not creating vision boards for fear of never living my dreams, my healing journey led me to leap into my dreams: helping others voice and activate their own purpose and dreams without sacrificing their wellness.

This is a dedication I've been making my whole life. I've helped people of all creeds and backgrounds become present to who they are, who they have been, and who they wish to be.

My journey has led me to create the Queen Mindset Leadership philosophy, a powerful blend of ancestral wisdom and modern leadership principles. This unique approach has helped numerous mujeres of color unlock their potential and create lives filled with purpose, joy, and success — defined their way!

As your Queen Ceremony Holder, I am committed to creating a safe, nurturing space where you can explore, grow, and transform. Together, we'll awaken the Queen within you and set her free to rule her domain with grace, power, and authenticity.

What's Included

  1. What You'll Receive

    • 3.5 Months of Expert-Led Coaching (Bi-weekly 1-hour Live sessions)
    • Chakra-Centered Coaching and Exercises to blast your fears
    • BONUS: 60-Minute 1:1 Kickoff Call: Private kickoff session to gain insight into your challenges and vision for yourself in the program
    • 4 Hot Seat Coaching Sessions: Four lucky women will gain the opportunity for laser coaching in session to fast-track results on your challenges creating your desired life
    • Exclusive Resources: Access to curated materials, including guided meditations, journaling prompts, and recommended readings to support your journey.
    • Private Online Community: A dedicated space to connect with your fellow Queens, share insights, and receive ongoing support between sessions.

Your Investment in Yourself

$2,222 (Available in 4 Monthly Installments - No Interest!)

That's $555 to reserve your spot today — and time to manifest the rest through the program!

Doors open Thursday, October 31st.

With holiday exceptions, we will meet every other Thursday at 7 PM Central.


Words from my Queen Mindset Leadership Client

Learn more about BIPOC Book Coach Sabrina Estudillo Bulter on Instagram @unpolished.words

Sabrina's Queen Mindset Leadership 👑 

Sabrina's journey from self-doubt to self-empowerment:

  1. Identity Embrace: From hesitation to proudly showcasing her Latina heritage in her coaching and editing practice.
  2. Self-Care Mastery: Transformed guilt-ridden breaks into joyful weekly self-dates, nurturing her spirit.
  3. Emotional Strength: Evolved from viewing sensitivity as a weakness to harnessing it as a powerful asset through chakra work.
  4. Career Confidence: Shifted from uncertainty to confidence about her ability to create a sustainable business as a writer and book coach, championing BIPOC authors and their stories.
  5. Financial Ambition: Leaped from modest goals to tripling her business targets, attracting high-value clients and projects as her confidence grew.
  6. Spiritual Growth: Progressed from a disconnected 3 to a grounded 7 in her spirituality, deepening her meditation and hypnotherapy.
  7. Crown Ownership: Blossomed from self-doubt to unwavering belief in her Divine purpose and sacred work uplifting color in book writers.

Are you ready for this to be you?


Real Results You Can Expect:

✦ Double or triple your financial vision while creating more space and time in your life

✦ Deepen a thriving social life and supportive community of grounded profesionals

✦ Deepen your spiritual connection and trust in your leadership and path

✦ Boost your confidence to belong every where you take your Self

✦ Reconnect with the power of embracing your femininity in intuition and creativity

✦ Elevate your overall well-being and life satisfaction


My Own Transformation into Queen Mindset

By most accounts, my life is a series of tragedies. I was destined to grow up father-less by virtue of being born to a 57-year old patriarch and a young mother who was 26 years his junior. His parents never got to meet me.

By the time I was 25, my entire grandparents lineage was gone. Plus, so was my father, and two weeks before I completed my PhD, my stepfather too.

Although I had a PhD, the dearth of Dominican American women in any of the spaces I studied and worked in made my impostor syndrome heavy.

Despite my dreams of creating life on my own terms, I stayed tethered to less-than-satisfying jobs for 10 years. And then, I had my first Spiritual Awakening.

When I asked myself who I was (a la, Untethered Soul), I realized I was not what had happened to me. I was Infinite. And thus began my deep studies into learning how I could value myself as a woman who would not birth children or marry. What's the value of a woman who fails to conform to the patriarchy?

Despite therapy, books, and journaling, it was my journey into the chakras that helped me connect with myself. I reclaimed ALL of my energy, changing my life.

Not just my mind, but my body (which I loved to hate), my heart (which I loved to ignore), and my spirit (which I'd just discovered). 

By the time I'd integrated the Crown Chakra, I realized how sacred my existence was. And from that journey combining the power of the Feminine with Leadership, Queen Mindset Leadership was born.


Recap of What's Included

  1. What You'll Receive

    • 3.5 Months of Expert-Led Coaching (Bi-weekly 1-hour Live sessions)
    • Chakra-Centered Coaching and Exercises to blast your fears
    • BONUS: 60-Minute 1:1 Kickoff Call: Private kickoff session to gain insight into your challenges and vision for yourself in the program
    • 4 Hot Seat Coaching Sessions: Four lucky women will gain the opportunity for laser coaching in session to fast-track results on your challenges balancing your life
    • Exclusive Resources: Access to curated materials, including guided meditations, journaling prompts, and recommended readings to support your journey.
    • Private Online Community: A dedicated space to connect with your fellow Queens, share insights, and receive ongoing support between sessions.

Your Investment in Yourself

$2,222 (Available in 4 Monthly Installments - No Interest!)

That's $555 to reserve your spot today — and time to manifest the rest through the program!

Doors open Thursday, October 31st.

With holiday exceptions, we will meet every other Thursday at 7 PM Central.


Need to Chat First? Schedule a Call!

Are you ready to transform your life and step into your Queen energy? Schedule a call with Dra. CarolLaine to see if the Audacity to Queen Leadership Mastermind is right for you.


Note: This program's value proposition is that it takes a decolonized approach to leading, integrating all parts of self and providing a safe space for mujeres to understand the systems in which they operate, so they can be the change they wish to see. This program is a first of its kind and is being led by a woman who's been on her own thorough journey of healing, and then freeing herself from everything that didn't work for her. From the ashes, I've risen like a phoenix, and now it's my life's work to help free other mujeres too.