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“Your mind will take the shape of what you frequently hold in thought, for the human spirit is colored by such impressions.”

Marcus Aurelius

Hiii, I'm 

Dr. CarolLaine M García

AfroLatina Holistic Executive Coach, Chakras Healer, Keynote Speaker, Poetry Writer

Founder of Dr. García Brands

A holistic healing & leadership development firm created for women de color


This is my Story

Growing up as a multi-identity Dominican immigrant in the US, I grew up having so much beef with who I was and what life had been. Even as I progressed in my education and career, I struggled to accept who I was and what I'd lived through. In the quietude of the pandemic, I harnessed my angst at the world and decided to heal my wounds with life. Four years and a deeply transformative experience later, I broke free from self-loathing and found the courage to leap into a life of deep meaning, wellness, and empowered femininity. 

Now I’ve turned my self-love transformation into a new paradigm of being and leading: Queen Mindset Leadership. Created for leading authentically with empowered identities, this philosophy centers holistic inner healing and wellness as a conduit for social justice and community thriving. 


This is my Healing

I started healing before it was cool to do so. When the world shut down in 2020, I shut in, quarantining by myself and learning how to be still for the first time as an adult. I hated it, but as the grief of my life I'd been repressing threatened to drown me, I finally learned how to befriend myself, my pain, and my stories.

In the last four years, I've thrown everything at my healing, including therapy, reading hundreds of spirituality and personal development books, coaching, journaling, and thousands of hours spent outside reconnecting with nature, with my nature. On the other side of it, I've become a self-loving mujer, teaching other women how to embrace holistic self-love in their leadership.

Holaaa, I'm 

a Self-Loving Mujer

+ PhD in Organizational Psychology, Leadership Expert, World Traveler, Puppy & Plant Mom

Creator of Queen Mindset Leadership

In chess, the Queen is the most powerful piece on the board, able to move in any direction unobstructed. When combined with compassion, leaders who embody this mindset see themselves as inherently valuable and limitless in their potential to positively impact others. 

Read more about Queen Mindset Leadership

Holaaa, I'm 

a Self-Loving Mujer

+ PhD in Organizational Psychology, Leadership Expert, World Traveler, Puppy & Plant Mom

Creator of Queen Mindset Leadership

In chess, the Queen is the most powerful piece on the board, able to move in any direction unobstructed. When combined with compassion, leaders who embody this mindset see themselves as inherently valuable and limitless in their potential to positively impact others. 

Read more about Queen Mindset


This is my Healing

I started healing before it was cool to do so. When the world shut down in 2020, I shut in, quarantining by myself and learning how to be still for the first time as an adult. I hated it, but as the grief of my life I'd been repressing threatened to drown me, I finally learned how to befriend myself, my pain, and my stories.

In the last four years, I've thrown everything at my healing, including therapy, reading hundreds of spirituality and personal development books, coaching, journaling, and thousands of hours spent outside reconnecting with nature, with my nature. On the other side of it, I've become a self-loving mujer, teaching other women how to embrace holistic self-love in their leadership.

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“Dare to love yourself as if you were a rainbow with gold at both ends.”

Author-Poet Aberjhani